Stellenausschreibungen: Zwei freie Stellen im Europäischen Umweltbüro (EEB) in Brüssel

19. Jän 18

The policy officer will be based in the EEB office in Brussels and be part of the team on Nature, Land and Water within the EU Policy Unit. He/she will lead the EEB’s work on the Water Framework Directive and related legislative proposals and will monitor and coordinate the EEB’s involvement in efforts for a better implementation of the EU Nature Directives and the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020.

Full vacancy Policy Officer


The European Environmental Bureau is looking to recruit a Membership Assistant to work closely with colleagues in all stages of membership management. We are looking for a highly motivated self-starter, eager to learn and contribute to the EEB’s work. The position will be a one-year paid internship contract (convention d’immersion professionnelle) based in the EEB Communications and Membership team in Brussels.

Full vacancy Membership Assistant