Assessment and Management of Natura Freshwater Habitats

Following-on from a cross-regional workshop in Hungary in 2017, concerted efforts have been made to develop a network of relevant freshwater contacts across EU Member States to help focus on tackling key generic issues associated with Natura freshwater habitats.

The November 2020 workshop aims to build on this foundation, broadening the scope of discussion and growing the network by encouraging new members. The established network aims to develop and deliver a roadmap for technical collaboration on freshwater habitats covered by the Habitats Directive - focussing specifically on ecological rationale, to help underpin consistent and effective management of the Natura 2000 network and achievement of favourable conservation status.

Activities at the workshop will include plenary sessions, presentations of case studies from Member States and LIFE projects, and break-out sessions on topical issues.

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation this event has now been moved online and will take place using MS Teams. Details about how to join this event will be sent to participants shortly.
