Public Debate: BREXIT and what future for European citizenship

More UK citizens are going to their Commune to apply for dual citizenship. There is a growing uncertainty among British citizens about how to plan their own and their children’s future. Should the EU and the UK be providing more answers? And what about the future for European citizenship? Could its further development be a remedy to Europe’s crises? BREXIT is another warning that the EU Institutions must embark on ambitious reforms to enhance citizens’ engagement, civic participation and involve them more in agenda-setting and European election campaigns.  

The public debate is part of a three-day Summer University on European Citizenship (29-31 August, Maison des Associations Internationales) organised by the ECIT Foundation (European Citizens’ rights, Involvement and Trust). This is the first major event in Brussels which will bring together people from different backgrounds - students, academics, activists, as well as European policy makers - to discuss the implications of BREXIT on European rights and the future of European citizenship.

Maison des Associations Internationales, Rue Washington 40
1050 Brussels